
This is a stereo-version and an extract of the sound-composition that I crafted for an audio-visual installation titled ‘Looking for Medusa’ in Senckenberg Naturmuseum in Frankfurt am Main. It was visible from June 2023 to January 2024. The installation was accompanied by a rich program (screenings, symposiae & workshops) drawing on cooperations between the natural sciences and the arts, the coral reef, mythologie and the ocean.
The composition was exhibited in the form of a 5-channel sound-installation.
Underwater sound recordings of coral reefs (Marsa Nakari and Dolphin House, Red Sea, Egypt), ship traffic (Frankfurt am Main), English Channel (Alabaster Coast); further sound recordings: Baking soda/water reaction, hot oil, ice cubes, crystal glass/water), tadpoles, rain on polyamide etc., synthesizer, melodica, sansa etc.
(5 channels, near-field monitors, coaxial loudspeakers, structure-borne sound transducers on lime wood, mixed media)

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Sound-art and transmission-art delivered monthly by London sound art collective Gwaith Sŵn. Tonight: we play a selection of sound works on the theme of climate and the environment, including musical improvisation in dialogue with wildflowers, electrode equipped plants, hydraphonic underwater field recordings and sonic evocations of a Sardinian storm. Featuring work by Akari Komura, Julio Lugon, Elissa Goodrich, David de la Haye, Andreja Andric, Nina Queissner, Helen Garbett and Bill Laybourne and Paese Fertile.

@Photography Aurelien Mole

@Photography Aurelien Mole
Photography @Florian Schneider